Tips On How To Prevent MRSA

By | January 16, 2015

mrsa battle

MRSA infections are arguably one of the most difficult infections to treat. Doctors are faced with massive challenges when trying to treat it because its’ bacterium is resistant to most antibiotics in use nowadays. It is therefore important to minimize the spread of the infections. The following sections explain some of the best ways to prevent MRSA infections. To go further into depth on these points, please visit

1) Avoiding direct skin contact with infected persons.
MRSA bacterium is mostly spread when there is a direct skin contact between an infected person and an uninfected person. This restriction particularly applies to persons with wounds or cuts as the wounds increase the chances of getting the infection. Doctors and nurses must wear gloves when attending to patients suffering from it.

2) Infected persons should seek treatment during the early stages of infection.
Whenever a person develops some early signs or symptoms of this infection, that person should consult a doctor immediately. It is easier to treat the infection when it is at its early stages. The probability of curing a MRSA infection is higher when the infection is at its early stages. Treating the infection early minimizes the spread of the infection to another uninfected person.

3) Avoid sharing towels, bathing soaps and lotion.
The towels and bathing soaps of infected persons are likely to contain the bacteria as well. If an uninfected person uses such a towel, he/she is likely going to be infected especially if he/she has some wounds or cuts on the skin. Sharing lotions with infected persons is another well known source of infection.

4) Cuts and wounds on the skins of uninfected persons should be covered.
Cuts or wounds on the skin increase the probability of infection whenever a direct skin contact is made. The wounds or cuts should be covered until they are healed and dry.

5) Maintaining good standards of hygiene at crowded places.
Poor hygiene is believed to facilitate the spread of this infections. In fact, poor hygiene was to blame for numerous infections at various prisons in Oklahoma in 2008. Most prisons and refugee camps are often crowded. High standards of hygiene should therefore be maintained at such places.

6) Avoiding contact with poorly maintained public beaches and other coastal waters infected with MRSA.
This is a restriction which every person should respect. Poorly managed public beaches may contain MRSA bacteria. If you spend some time in such beaches, you may end up acquiring the infection.

Generally, the above mentioned restrictions will help to minimize the spread of MRSA only if the restrictions are adhered to.

Below is a short clip that explains a couple other ways of MRSA prevention.